• 純銀首飾較柔軟,請避免碰撞或摩擦,未配戴時請放入密封袋或絨布袋中保存。
  • 電鍍之商品,請避免碰撞或摩擦,擦拭拭銀布時需輕輕擦拭。
  • 保持首飾的乾燥,避免接觸到水氣、汗水、香水、化妝品等化學物質。
  • 每次佩戴完後,可用拭銀布或棉布輕拭表面,清除水份和髒汙,並收藏於密封袋/絨布袋中保存,與空氣隔絕。
  • 如有髒污清理不乾淨,可以將首飾放入熱水中和非腐蝕性的清潔劑中,使用柔軟的牙刷輕輕刷除污垢,並用軟布擦拭乾淨,保持乾燥。
  • 純銀首飾洗澡時可以配戴,電鍍品不建議洗澡時配戴,洗澡完請保持乾燥擦拭完後放入密封袋/戎布袋中保存。
  • 洗銀水能快速讓銀飾恢復光澤,但也會傷害銀飾的表面層,不建議使用。
  • 拭銀布含有保養成份,不可碰水。

  • The purified silver of the jewelry is softer and please keep them away from any bumping or rub. 
  • Keep the jewelry dry as much as you can and stay away from any moisture, sweater, perfume, cosmetics, or chemicals. 
  • It is fine wearing purified silver jewelry when taking a shower, but it is not recommended if it is a plated silver jewelry. 
  • No water allowed when using the silver wiping cloths because some ingredients are good for the reservation. 
  • To apply silver mobbing clothes or a piece of cotton clothes to mop the surface to eliminate the water and dirt, and to store into a sealed or velvet bag to be away from the air after wearing the silver jewelry.

感謝您購買 KAOMIN 的商品,如商品有損壞或其他問題,請與我們聯繫,我們將為您協助。